Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Iga (Tiger), 1 g (another story)

It happened last Saturday. On that day the snow was falling very generously and it was everywhere! Iarranged with my best friend from primary school, Magda, I would be able to visit her at home. ( She lives in tenement ) When I was going by car to her, my mum informed me that the windscreen washer ended. She asked me to clean the windscreen with snow, when we stopped right Magda's house. We parked. I went out of the car and started to clean the windscreen with a handful of snow. I was nearly laying down on the bonnet. It was very inconvenient. For my bad luck at this moment my friend went out her house and saw me. She burst out laughing. I straightened up and became very red. But one second later I burst out laughing too xD.
<<<------- That pretty girl is my best friend Magda

TiGeR (Iga)

Iga, class I "g"


Anonymous said...

Hello Iga!!
I like your story but it is very embarrasing!!
Did you damage to yourself?
Bye Bye Kisses...

Anonymous said...

Hello Iga!!!
That's bad luck but it isn't very
Bye Bye