Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Paweł J. (3g)

My room is small. 5 square meters maximum I think. It's cozy and I like to be in it so much.

I have white walls but but I want to have orange colour on them. There is a bookcase with a bed and and a desk wiith a computer. I have a small lamp on the desk too. In my room I have 5 plants.

In my bookcase I have a lot of books but they are not mine. They belong to my sister and I am the owner of this room after her.

The view from my window is very beautiful. I can see a parking lot, a clearing a house and some elements of old army teritory.

In summer and spring I can see beautiful sunsets.

Paweł J., class III "g"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In summer I can see beautiful sunsets too¡
Do you live near a military territory?